Monday, May 23, 2011

Upcoming Events

Picture 3
I will be a vendor this June at the first-ever Unraveled DIY Festival, an event presented by the MN Textile Center, in conjunction with this year's Surface Design Association Conference. I have no idea what to expect, since this is the first year, but given the narrow focus of the show and the built-in audience of all the conference attendees, I'm hopeful that this will be a good show. If nothing else, it will be an excellent networking opportunity. Hope to see you there!

Friday, June 10, 2011
6 - 9 pm
Rapson Hall (University of MN)
89 Church Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
You can park in the Church Street parking garage is located across the street from Rapson Hall.

Festival Admission: $3.

Picture 4
Also, I will once again be teaching regularly at Crafty Planet. I'm really looking forward to teaching others how to craft, and excited to stretch my skills a bit and hone my teaching techniques. I'd love to see you in one of my classes! More details to come soon for each class, as I'm still working out my syllabi.

Beginning Needle-Felting
Sunday, June 26
11 am - 2 pm

Make Your Own Plushie
Tuesday, July 19
6 - 9 pm

Beginning 3D Pattern Drafting
Thursdays, August 25 & September 1
6 - 9 pm

Beginning Needle-Felting
Sunday, October 2
11 am - 2 pm

Plush Monster
Sunday, October 30
11 am - 2 pm


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