Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Buy Zombie!

Ah, the power of Twitter. This afternoon, someone I follow reposted a Tweet (retweeted) from a user named BuyZombie. Since I craft zombie critters and generally like most things zombie, I was intrigued and clicked over to their profile. BuyZombie.com is an awesome Website that is "an ever-growing database of everything Zombie related you can buy or do
on the Internet" and has "grown to be a hub for zombie news, media,
reviews, and announcements!" Naturally, I had to follow someone who runs such a cool site and I swear, not even an hour later, I saw this Tweet from them:

Picture 3

How cool is that?! Thanks to Stuart for such a nice write-up of my zombie critters!

1 comment:

Stuart Conover said...

Not a problem! Always glad to help spread the word of zombies everywhere ;)